Thursday, August 14, 2008
Hey guys!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
It's Official...
I picked up my letter yesterday, and should be in Korea by August 22!!!
Whoot whoot, time to celebrate!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Look Who's Looking...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Official Offer!
I'm really excited, I got my official offer letter...finally! Now I have to speedily fill out all the required forms, get my health insurance, get my visa, and finally book my plane ticket!! It's all so stressful right now, but hopefully will be worth it. I went into STA travel the other day and the staff working there was great and very helpful. The lady I was working with even looked up another student who was going so we could hopefully get on the same flight so we don't have to travel alone. My ticket estimate was around $1800...which was expected, but I don't actually think it's that bad. I was really scared there wouldn't be any flights because of the late notice. I leave early July. Orientation is July 14th. AH! Almost two months away!!
Ok kinda weird sidetrack...who watches LOST??
Well I do, and on the show, this plane crashes on a flight from Sydney to LA...which is the flight I'll eventually be making. Kinda funny...I know, it's fiction, but still!
I have a lot of prep and a lot of questions I need to get answered before I leave.
For example...what about furniture? I know that's weird to think about, but seriously, what about furniture? As far as housing goes, we are left to find our own, whether it's an apartment or house somewhere. So I wonder, if they're for students if they're already furnished.
What about bed sheets and towels? Haha, do we bring our own? Or do we buy them there? I assume buy them there...
I'm still really nervous, but I know it will all be worth it and I would regret it if I didn't go.
Has anyone else gotten their letters since class?
Italian Language
Traveling across Europe? -By Jamye Sharp
Extra Travel Tips from Jamye Sharp
21st Birthday in Italy!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Christmas in Holland
Obviously, I have many goals for my experiences overseas. One that is most important to me, however, is utilizing the opportunity to explore the region of Europe, being I've never been there. Although I know the Netherlands will offer much to see and I'll be spending the majority of time there, I'll definitely want to travel. Given I am financially able to do so, I plan to travel extensively outward from the "Gateway to Europe" (aka: the Netherlands) to sight-see and experience various other cultures, people, and languages, in at least 3 other countries. It's hard to say specifically which countries I'll visit, being once I'm there, certain opportunities will arise depending on who I meet, but I have some favorites in mind for sure. I've heard from many how beautiful Italy and Greece are, so they top my list. I'd also love to explore the UK, hitting up Scotland and Ireland for a few beers and beautiful landscapes. It'd also be really cool to get in touch with my historical roots in Sweden and Germany as well.
Hi there world! My name is Amanda, and I've just completed my 3rd year as a psychology undergrad at SDSU. To finish out my last year of college, I plan to spend the fall semester at the Vrije University of Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. I've been accepted to the university and will leave sometime in mid-August, and return to the States in January. In anticipation of the trip I am both nervous and thrilled. Although I have experience leaving home and going to an unknown place not knowing anyone (leaving Hawaii and coming to San Diego for school), I have never lived in a foreign country, let alone spent the holidays so far from home (on the other side of the world, for that matter). However, I am really really excited for my upcoming travels as I've never been to Europe, and know I will love the easy-going lifestyle the Dutch have. I hope all of you have wonderful adventures abroad too!
Truly Useful Information: Help for Beverage Budgeting

While verifying some of the budget numbers in students' travel plans, I ran across this website - Price of a Pint that allows you to look up the price of a pint of beer around the world. While I don't want to encourage excessive drinking, I think it provides an interesting benchmark to help you get a feel for the relative cost of various items around the world. Sort of a beer index, if you will... ;-)
TSA- Ralph's 5th Post
Monday, May 19, 2008
Other Opportunities for Learning Abroad

In addition to traditional university exchange programs, there are lots of volunteer opportunities for people wishing to travel overseas for more than just a vacation. One that I am familiar with (I have family members who have participated in their programs and found them very rewarding) is Cross-Cultural Solutions which has a variety of volunteer options for students including some that offer college credit. Programs last from 2-12 weeks in one of a dozen countries from Costa Rica to Ghana. They also have scholarship and fundraising opportunities that can help defray the cost of the program.
Packing my luggage! ralph's 4th post
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Music lover???
Fun French Facts:
Loni's #4 and links
Chelsea 5th Post

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Fountains in Aix....

The city of Aix-en-Provence where I'll be studying next year is often referred to as the city of a thousand fountains. I am looking forward to using my passion for photography to capture these beautiful fountains. Among the most notable is the seventeenth century Fontaine des Quatre Dauphins (Fountain of the Four Dolphins) in the Quartier Mazarin designed by Jean-Claude Rambot along with a monumental fountain from 1860 that is located at the bottom of the Rotonde (main hub in modern Aix). The fountain (pictured here) is set beneath 3 giant statues representing art, justice, and agriculture.
Gondolas, French, the Alps, and Vespas....
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hyde Park
Personal Journal Entry: For anyone who is planning on going to Australia I recommend visiting Hyde Park !
Hyde Park, Sydney, New South Wales , Australia
My Reflections
Safe Travels
Mike Morton
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Austin Post 7
Austin Post 6
Going To A Land Downunder !!
Hey all,
Just a recent update on my travel plans. I have been accepted to Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia and can't be more excited. I hope to be leaving a few weeks before my official arrival date and catch up with some friends in Adelaide in Southern Australia. My ISEP program seems to be very good, and I am excited to get to travel throughout the country, challenging myself to grow emotionally and academically. In Australia we get a mid-semester break which is about 2 weeks, I plan on making a trip to Northern Queensland where I have some friends. My most exciting trip is going to be during the Christmas break, I am planning on making my way to Thailand for a nice and relaxing summer !!
Safe Travels,
Mike Morton
Austin Post 5
Austin Post 4
Austin's 3rd post
Austin's goals Post 2
Chelsea: 4th Post Summer
Chelsea 3rd Post: Madrid
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Allison B Post 3
I have to make more follow up appointments with the ISC about my exact travel dates and what classes I will take when I'm there, all the logistical information, etc. I wonder how many exercise science classes they offer in England..or if there are any gyms there? Are most people staying on campus or with a host family? I haven't decided on that one..
Otherwise hope y'all have safe and amazing travels, and enjoy your summer as well :)
Allison B Post 2
I’m in my third year here at SDSU, majoring in Kinesiology and minoring in Sociology. I plan to study abroad in England in the spring of 2009. I am not sure what university I want to study in; I would love to stay in the city of London.
I have several goals pertaining to my study abroad experience and my life within in the next year.A personal goal of mine also coincides with cultural goals and my academic work I plan to do in England. My major at SDSU is Exercise Science and I currently work as a personal fitness trainer. Since being in school and my personal experience in the gym, I have gained a wide range of knowledge in the fields of fitness, nutrition, new exercises, etc. By studying kinesiology abroad, I will be able to gain new knowledge on exercise and fitness, and be able to share that knowledge with my coworkers and clients.
I plan on studying in a university where I can take specific kinesiology classes. I also want to live in a populated, metropolitan area, where I can have more access to fitness equipment, health centers or gyms, etc. I am excited to learn about the attitude on fitness in the U.K.; I want to be able to share my knowledge on fitness, and also bring back new exercises, research, etc back to my clients in the U.S. This goal covers two goals; the academic goal is that I want to learn as much of European exercise and fitness as I can, and the personal aspect is to be able to apply that knowledge when I arrive home.
I want to be able to gain as much knowledge as I can, not only from school, but from the environment that I’m living in as well. I want to mingle with the locals; of course I want to experience all the touristy, cultural spots in England, like Stonehenge, Big Ben, and Buckingham Palace. But a cultural goal would be to make friendships with the locals I meet there. I want to experience England as if I live there. I want to visit the local pubs and dance clubs…the occasional weekend trip to Scotland…I want to visit the places unknown to tourists, the places where the locals go on the weekend.
Allison B Post 1
I would really love to travel while I'm over there also. I want to go to tons of places in Italy but if I have time I would also love to go to Greece, France, Spain, and many other places. So if any of you are going to be in either Italy or any of those places next spring keep in touch! Well I am very happy that the semester is over and I plan on enjoying my summer and some free time. Hopefully I will see some of you in my classes next fall and if not I hope everyone has a great time on their trips, I know I will!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Information meeting - Ralph post 3
getting my student visa - Ralph post #2
I'm Scared!!!

Mainly, I just want to make myself a worldlier person. Living and learning a different culture will be an experience never to forget and one that most people don't get the chance to live.
Although Australia is not too different than California, I still expect to experience culture shock while abroad. To me, it is just as foreign and peculiar as a European country is. While living in Australia, I want to take in every ounce of Australian/Aboriginal culture and live as any college student in Adelaide does. Right now, I do not exactly know what that may entail (perhaps, spending “study” hours in the bars?), but I can only hope to live up to their expectations and standards while completely immersing myself into their culture. To be a bit more specific, one thing that I really want to do while in Australia is visit the Australia Zoo, home of the infamous Crocodile Hunter. I am passionate about animals and the environment, and to be in a place where this is vital to Australian culture will be very exciting for me. To get me into the Australian “mood” I’ve been visiting the San Diego Zoo’s Australian animal’s exhibits, such as the Koalas and Kangaroos. Being an American, any way I can educate or participate in some form of Australian culture, such as the simplicity of viewing these precious animals at the zoo, has given me a feeling of enculturation and has pumped me up for my trip.
If you want to take a look at my website we've been building...feel free!
Lindsey Marx Post #3
Monday, May 12, 2008
Viva la France

Bonjour! My name is Loni and I'm going to France come August. I will be studying in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France near Marseille. I am a History Major and French minor. I will be going through CSU-IP and staying for a year. I have only studied French for one year and upon arrival I shall be taking a 6 week Intensive French course. My university classes shall begin in October and go through May. After my academic year I shall spend the summer traveling Europe. I am SO EXCITED!!! I love to travel and can't wait to meet lots of new people, have some crazy adventures, and see all there is to see. I am hoping to be fluent in French upon my return. If you happen to end up in the south of France look me up!! Bon voyage!
Chelsea's 2nd post
Rob's third post
Areas that i plan on visiting while abroad include: Everywhere in Ireland, Germany, England, Italy, and Greece. This of course is if I can afford to go to these places. Specific places in Ireland would be Blarney Castle, this way i can kiss the blarney stone and achieve perfect speech, The Guinness factory, and the Smith wicks factory. Also the castles around Ireland would be amazing to visit and experience the history that this new country possesses.
Rob's second post
The first goal is related to academics. Since the University of Limerick offers a wide variety of History classes, I will fully take advantage of this opportunity. I will attend classes that will allow me to better understand the unique histories of these countries while at the same time obtaining 12-15 units towards my degree.
For my cultural goal, I want to experience all that Ireland and Europe have to offer. I want to travel to and kiss the Blarney Stone, Visit the Guiness factory, the Smithwicks factory, and through the use of Ryan Air, travel to Italy, Germany, England.
My third and final goal is a personal one. I want to go to an actual futball game in England. I have always loved Chelsea and Manchester United. Another personal goal of mine is that I want to be able to speak with an Irish accent fluently.
Check out my adventures at my Website.
Rob's intro
What to do? Post 3
Right now I am going to worry about finals, but after Thursday I'm going to start getting some answers! I think I will e-mail the school. Does anyone have suggestions???
Sunday, May 11, 2008
My goals while abroad
Travel Plans
I see London I see France, I see....

post #2 I have goals!
buttie short of a picnic!!!

Hi, I'm Linda and soon to be in her majesty's land of England. I will be going for the full academic year of 2008/2009. I will most likely being going to London Metropolitan University where everything but a pint of beer is expensive!!!
Jacqueline Post #2
If you're still looking for something (or something else)
Matt's "Abbreviated" Goals Statement
Global Traveler: Matt Deline
Hello Internet! My name is Matt Deline, I am currently finishing up my Junior year (well my first year at SDSU) as an English Major. I've been looking into the Semester at Sea program since 2003, and I think that I can finally justify the expenses involved to make it outside the US again. I hope to attend the Spring 2009 voyage, in which I will be docking at: Nassau, Bahamas; Cadiz, Spain; Naples, Italy; Istanbul, Turkey; Alexandria, Egypt; Chennai, India; Bankok, Thailand; Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam; Hong Kong and Shanghai, China; Kobe and Yokohama, Japan; Honolulu, Hawaii (USA); and Puntarenas, Costa Rica. If you would like to know more about me, or would like a more regular update on the progress of my trip you can find it at my website.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Lindsey Marx Post #2
Thursday, May 8, 2008
International Studies

Goal Statement - Post 2
Specifically, I plan to go snowboarding in Korea - just to say I have (I didn't know it snowed there). As a visitor, I would also love to become comfortable with the place by adjusting my style of dress, my behavior and personality to parallel a local citizen. By assimilating into their culture, I do not plan to ignore and deny myself (personality, style, attitude, etc), but just explore the differences and similarities.
To read more about my goals, check out my Goal Statement page.
Thanks for reading, catch you soon!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Intro Post 1
Lindsey Marx
Jacqueline Murphy
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Ralph Dimarucut
Cassidy Roderigue
Austin Glicher Post 1
Welcome to the SDSU Global Travelers Blog

- Personal, cultural and academic goal setting
- Exploring the cultural challenges that they will face
- Setting up personal websites to document their journeys
- Learning about the latest communication technologies to keep in touch
- Logistics and budgeting for their travels